
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Make Money on Androind in Swedish

For you swedish-reading readers, see my similar more extensive blog regarding creating your own Android app in swedish at

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Dream of My Own App Lives On

As you might have noticed, my progress towards making my own app has slowed down a bit. I had a wedding to plan etc, and then after that I had my master's thesis to write and defend etc. So sorry about that. My previous time plans were crushed due to this, but I am still committed to my dream of my own Android app.

Regarding the preparations for what type of app to make, I have identified two factors that I think are important. One is which type of app that are likely to be popular, and also how difficult/time-consuming the app would be for me to make. I have realized that many ideas I have had are completely unrealistic for me to ever succeed in creating. This is only a hobby for me, something I do in my free-time, and I have no possibility to hire anyone to help me do this. My day job is full-time and does not leave many hours in the evenings. And my own skills in this are limited so far.

But I think that most readers of this blog probably are in the same potision as me. They want to make a few bucks on the side by releasing their own app, and they do not have a team of developers to support them, or great experience in java developing.

I am currently playing around a but with App Inventor and reading some guides that I have found online. Some guides really suck, but there are also some great ones out there. A link to one of the better ones are here below.

You others who are in the same position as me, feel free to leave comments with tips and tricks so that we can help each other :)

Peace out for now!